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Annual Houston Energy Day Festival by Consumer Energy Education Foundation Inspires the Next Generation of STEM Leaders #finsubito prestito immediato

HOUSTON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Houston’s Energy Day Festival returned for its 12th year of education excitement and engagement on Saturday (Oct. 19) at Sam Houston Park in downtown Houston.

The Consumer Energy Education Foundation Logo %281%29The Consumer Energy Education Foundation Logo %281%29
The Consumer Energy Education Foundation Logo %281%29The Consumer Energy Education Foundation Logo %281%29

Hosted by the award-winning Consumer Energy Education Foundation (CEEF) from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., this year’s festival built on the momentum of previous years, bringing together K-12 students, educators, families, and industry leaders for a day filled with interactive learning and exploration in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM).

Drawing thousands of attendees each year, the Energy Day Festival has become a fundamental event in Houston’s educational landscape, showcasing the dynamic joining of energy and innovation to inspire the next generation of STEM leaders.

“We are beyond thrilled to bring Energy Day back for its 12th year, continuing our mission to “Energize STEM” and ignite curiosity and passion for STEM education among Houston’s youth. Energy Day is more than just a festival; it’s a platform for inspiration, innovation, and collaboration,” Energy Day Founder and Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt said.

“The most gratifying part about Energy Day’s longevity is that we now have students who were first inspired to seek careers in energy at Energy Day returning as alumni to share their stories and passion. By providing hands-on experiences and real-world insights, we aim to empower the next generation of STEM leaders and equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle tomorrow’s challenges. And, we are so excited to receive a wonderful City of Houston Proclamation this year recognizing Energy Day for all it has accomplished. It is quite an honor,” he said.

Consulenza fiscale

Consulenza del lavoro

“Energy Day demonstrates the power of community engagement, fostering partnerships between the energy industry, educators, and the people of Houston to build a brighter, more sustainable future for all,” Mayor John Whitmire stated in the City of Houston 2024 Proclamation.

The 2024 Energy Day Festival featured over 50 interactive exhibits, experiments, and demonstrations from Houston’s top companies and organizations. Participants engaged with industry experts, as they showcased the latest and greatest advancements in energy technology while highlighting the diverse career opportunities available.

In addition to the interactive exhibits, Energy Day 2024 featured the Energy Day Academic Program (EDAP), offering over $10,000 in academic awards to students and educators who demonstrate creativity, innovation, and dedication in their STEM-related projects. These awards not only recognize excellence but also provide tangible support to those pursuing a future in STEM. The Energy Day Festival serves as a testament to Houston’s leadership in energy and innovation, providing a platform for collaboration, education, and exploration.

For more information about Energy Day, including opportunities and event details, visit https://energydayfestival.org/.

About Consumer Energy Education Foundation (CEEF)

Consumer Energy Education Foundation (CEEF) is a non-profit organization focused on developing educational support materials, activities, resources, and programs that motivate, inspire, and improve students’ understanding of the various career opportunities that are available to them if they follow a STEM path. CEEF has received international recognition for Energy Day, winning the 2020 World Oil Awards for “Best Outreach Program.” In 2022, CEEF won World Oil’s Best Outreach Program yet again for their Artificial Intelligence Energy Summer Camp. In 2024, CEEF’s Securing Our Energy Future program was awarded Best Outreach Program at the prestigious Gulf Energy Excellence Awards.


Rachel Edwards

(713) 355-9714


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