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bed & breakfast
Police checks in view of the Jubilee, licenses suspended for 4 accommodation facilities, including in the station area #finsubito finanziamenti e gestione bed & breakfast

I continue Checks of the State Police in view of the next Jubilee and at the same time, attention remains high in the station area: I’m four the accommodation facilities against which, on 1 October, the provision was triggered suspension of the license issued by the Police Chief of Rome pursuant to Article 100 of the TULPS.

The first seal was placed by the agents of the Borgo police station against a accommodation facility located in via Lucrezio Caro, which will remain closed for the next ten days. Following a series of administrative checks carried out by the administrative police team, in fact, it emerged that the activity, started in 2021, had never been registered on the “Alloggiati” portal of the Rome Police Headquarters and, therefore, the personal details of the people hosted at the facility had never been communicated. The customer list, however, was perfectly recorded in a management portal used to manage guest check-ins and check-outs.

From the investigations carried out by the police, it then emerged the presence of a bedroom and three extra beds compared to what was actually declared by the owner. Therefore, the latter was given a series of sanctions for a total amount of 4.000 €.

The others three closures were taken, again on October 1st, in the area of Termini Station, following a series of checks carried out by agents of the Administrative and Social Police Division on three accommodation facilities located in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II.

Roma: controlli della Polizia in vista del Giubileo, sospese le licenze di 4 strutture ricettive, anche nella zona della stazione

From some specific investigations – attributable to the configuration of the structures, located within the same building and managed with a single reception, and to the sequential numbering of the rooms – it emerged that the owner of the three businesses – in possession of a “bed and breakfast” authorisation – had, in fact, managed them as only hotel business in the absence of certified notification of commencement of business (cd SCIA).

With the notification of the provision issued by the Police Chief of Rome pursuant to art. 100 TULPS, the order was triggered immediate cessation of activities carried out in an abusive manner and, at the same time, the suspension for five days of authorised accommodation facilities.

Roma: controlli della Polizia in vista del Giubileo, sospese le licenze di 4 strutture ricettive, anche nella zona della stazione

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